

Hello everybody,

The days before and after New Years eve have been a good start into 2020.
There were a lot of interesting events to take part in.

We spent Christmas eve baking chocolate cupcakes in the microwave, we had a mochi-making night and we introduced the new year with some kanji calligraphy. Lately we had a takoyaki party in the dinner room.
As a volunteer helper, i am really happy to be here, because the Hostel has so much cultural value. Not only do the events give me the opportunity to experience some traditional Japanese culture, it’s also the location that leaves me with many options, what to do around Kyoto.

Thank everybody for the great year,
and thank everybody for participating.
I hope this Year will be even more interesting. We are excited to meet our new guests.

After all its not only a new year we are celebrating, its also a whole new decade.

Utano Youth Hostel helper staff, 10.01.20


  1. 投扇興/Japanese Darts 国際大会!

  2. ギャラリー展開催!工房リーフさん(7/15~30)

  3. 【京都でネパールを感じる2日間】5/13 , 5/14  同…

  4. 宇多野ユースで一番早い桜!

  5. テーブルゲームナイト / Table Game Night …

  6. 投扇興で遊ぼう! / Japanese darts 2018…


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